How do I apply for a job to work as a student assistant in the Haas Library?


Please look at the About Libraries LibGuide,

and choose the Department, Services, Policies tab. Click the fifth link in the drop down list,

Employment Opportunities, and choose Student Application Form. This form will let you apply for

jobs at both Ruth A, Haas Library on the Midtown Campus, and Robert S. Young Library

on the Westside Campus. An important note, please find out about your financial aid status.

The Student Financial Aid Office can tell you if you qualify, and have a $ award that will pay

for a work/study job. In order to qualify, you must have filled out a FAFSA form and submitted

it before last Spring's March 15th deadline.

You may also want to look at the following link to Student Financial Aid:

  • Last Updated Jul 08, 2021
  • Views 950
  • Answered By Russ Gladstone

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  1. Please also see the following link to Student Financial Aid
    by Russ Gladstone on Aug 10, 2010

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