What do I need to know about copyright and plagiarism?
Copyright and plagiarism are complex issues that are related and overlap.
Please use the following link from one of our LibGuides that talk about How to Avoid Plagiarism: http://libguides.wcsu.edu/plagiarism
In addition, please use the following link from our Research Skill Toolkit LibGuide which discusses Copyright Infringement: http://libguides.wcsu.edu/c.php?g=249692&p=1837452
Ask a librarian to help you find additional general or specific resources, which may include books, government documents, journal articles, internet links, and media.
One of the best ways to protect oneself against accusations of plagiarism is to include in-text citations whenever appropriate. In-text citations are needed not just for direct quotes, but also for information that is paraphrased. Some students mistakenly believe that if they put something into their own words, they are not plagiarizing. That is not true.
For information on in-text citations using APA format, visit this link: https://libguides.wcsu.edu/c.php?g=699694&p=5240154