Are there any places to do work in the library?

This is my first semester at WCSU and I can't seem to find anywhere to just sit and do work.


Students are welcome and encouraged to study in both libraries. The quietest place in Haas Library is generally the 5th floor, but there are also study rooms on the 3rd and 4th floors (available on a first-come, first-served basis or available by reserving then in advance). These rooms are locked, but you can ask for the keys from the circulation desk. Generally, these rooms are for group study. Otherwise, there are tables and study carrels and comfy chairs scattered throughout Haas. Young Library also has study carrels and comfy chairs, and a separate room for group study. 

  • Last Updated Dec 29, 2020
  • Views 235
  • Answered By Veronica Kenausis

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