I need multiple articles on foster children and mental health. Which databases would be best for me to use?


There are several good databases to use as a starting point. Which one you decide to use depends a little on the context of your project. PsycINFO, PsycARTCLES, CINAHL, Medline, and SocINDEX would all contain relevant articles. Each of these databases has their own list of journals. In some cases, a journal may be present only in a single database, while in other cases there is overlap. JSTOR and Google Scholar could also be utilized, and Academic Search Premier is a multi-database that would likely have articles in your topics. 

In any case, it is best to use "Advanced Search" with the terms "foster children" and "mental health". You then can limit your search in a number of different ways including by only full text and by peer-reviewed articles. Peer-reviewed articles are another good way to limit your search to only scholarly reviewed articles. You will also want to add an additional search term to "foster children" and "mental health" to help narrow your topic.

You will also want to check out our list of databases by subject. Look under the subjects Psychology, Social Sciences, and Social Work. 

Databases A-Z is a list of all the databases available from WCSU LIbraries. Within Databases A-Z, you may select databases by academic subject or by the types of resources in the databases, such as Dissertations, eBooks, Journal or Magazine article, Music & Audio, Video, etc. 



  • Last Updated Dec 28, 2020
  • Views 148
  • Answered By Yan Toma

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  1. searched Academic Search Premier and found quite a few articles.
    1 “Anguish of Abandoned Children” Here is the link
    2. Mental Health Services for Children Placed in Foster Care: An Overview of Current Challenges”
    3. Complex Trauma and Mental Health in Children and Adolescents Placed in Foster Care: Findings from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network
    4. Health and Mental Health Services for Children in Foster Care: The Central Role of Foster Parents
    5. Mental health of current and former recipients of foster care: a review of recent studies in the USA
    Let me know if you need more articles.
    by Yan Toma on Nov 09, 2013
  2. I was viewing my answer to the question. I saw one thumb down. I wanted to find out what comment it is. The thumb down number went up. I can't change it back. Just leave as it is now.
    by Yan Toma on Mar 06, 2021

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